Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family, a traditional Christmas Celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday gift you ever received and why?
I think I'll go back to my childhood for this one... the best was when I received this very special doll that I wanted. Her name was 'Look Around Velvet' She had long blond hair that you could create interesting styles with and a string that you could pull and her eyes and body would look around. She wore a plaid red, white and green dress and red slip on shoes. She also had a metal stand that you could clip her into so that you could freely style her hair without dropping her. I actually still have her today!
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday food/recipe? What is so special about it?

That would have to be a recipe for Candy Cane Bark that I make every year. It's a great recipe to share and take to friends and family...
Here is the Recipe...
1 package semi sweet chocolate chips (like Hershey's morsels)
Several peppermint candy canes ( if I use the small ones usually about 15 or so)
1 tbsp. canola oil

First put candy canes in a ziplock bag, sometimes I double the bag so no pieces fall out! Take a kitchen mallet and smash the candy canes into little bits. If you have children that like to help this would be a good job for them! Melt chocolate chips in microwave. Not too long or they will burn, just keep checking them periodically! Stir til smooth, add the crushed candy canes and the oil and mix together! On a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper spread the mixture out. You can play with how thick or thin you want it to be! Then put this in the fridge for about an hour to harden up! After an hour remove from the fridge and break into different size pieces! They look very festive on a nice crystal dish! Ready to serve! I

What is your favorite Christmas/holiday craft project?
My favorite Christmas craft project would have to simply be decorating the house and the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is a big decorating project in itself. I usually pick a color theme with two or three coordinating colors. I decorate with all clear mini lights and spend quite a long time wrapping these around the individual branches of the tree for a beautiful look. I also love using glass balls in crystal bowls and vases and placing them around the house. Decorating a wreath is usually in there too and I usually use ribbon and ornaments for this as well.
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie and why?

My favorite Christmas movie is Serendipity, just love this movie, it's a chick flick, a holiday love story set in New York with lots of romantic and funny moments. (My husband actually likes it too, don't tell him I said that) It stars Kate Beckinsale, John Cusack and Jeremy Piven. Starts out with the two main characters meeting up while shopping in New York for Christmas gifts for respective lovers.
There is magic in the air and thus a romance begins to develop but not sure if this is right, they go their separate ways and then mysteriously reconnect several years later... ready to watch!

What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday memory?
I loved the year that we took our three boys to Big White Ski Resort for a Christmas vacation. It was a fabulous family time and very relaxing. We went out for Christmas dinner (so that was a lot less work for me) and enjoyed tons of skiing/snowboarding together. I brought some decorations from home to add to our condo to make it festive. The boys still hung up their stockings and we opened presents Christmas morning as usual. The ski village was beautiful at night, so many sparkling lights and decorations. It was a wonderful time and gave us great holiday memories...

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family, a traditional Christmas Celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday gift you ever received and why?
My favorite Christmas Gift has got to be the Baby Jesus! Without Him there would be no Christmas, as it is His Birthday that we celebrate each year. In my estimation there are no other gifts that can outshine God's Greatest Gift to the world. To think that He gave His only Son as a tiny little Baby, allowing Him to be born in a humble stable just so we could have God be more like us, instead of some far away, unapproachable king in a castle, amazes me. Thank you God The Father and Holy Spirit! Thank you Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph! Thank you Jesus! God bless you all this Christmas and always!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday gift you ever received and why?
My favorite Christmas present is the engagement ring I received from my fiance last year. :) We had been together for 6 years, so I knew an engagement ring was coming sooner or later, but I really had no idea when. It was Christmas Eve last year, and I remember just being stressed out over something stupid (can't remember what it was now), and it was causing me to kind of be a crab. As I was furiously getting ready, he proposed to me. I wasn't crabby anymore, haha! I don't think there is another Christmas present that could top that, unless someone bought me a new DSLR camera, hint hint. ;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Grandma Hystad's Christmas Recipes, Bar Mixes, Information

Grandma Hystad's Christmas Recipes, Bar Mixes, Information

Author: Bruce Chambers

To save space on your computer, make a few files and name them
Recipes, Cooking Tips, Cleaning Tips, Bar Mixes. You can then
copy and paste only articles you would like to save.


Place dressed turnkey, breast up in center of greased, wide,
heavy foil. Bring ends of foil up over breast. Overlap fold
and press up against ends of turkey. Place bird in shallow pan.
Open foil last 20 minutes to brown. Bake at 450 F, (230 C)
according to timetable.

Stuffed Turkey shirtTHAWING GUIDELINES

Allow 24 hours per 5 pounds if defrosting in fridge. For quicker Thawing results, place turkey in sink full of cold water, allowing ½ per pound. Change water often to keep water cold.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

Ready To Cook Weight Roasting Time
6 - 8 pounds 3 - 3 ½ hours
8 - 12 pounds 3 ½ -4 ½ hours
12 - 16 pounds 4 ½ - 5 ½ hours
16 - 20 pounds 5 ½ - 6 hours
20 - 24 pounds 6 - 6 ½ hours

For unstuffed turkey, add ½ hour to each above

Ham apron
2 large slices of hamsteak
2 teaspoons.......(10 ml)........prepared mustard
4 tablespoons.....(60 ml)........brown sugar
2 tart apples
1 ½ cups..........(375 ml) juice

Place the ham in baking dish and rub with mustard. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons (30 ml), of brown sugar. Core the apple and cut into thin slices. Cover the ham with the apple slices and sprinkle with rest of brown sugar. Add apple juice. Bake at 300 F, (150 C), for 30 minutes or until tender.
YIELD: 4-5 servings.
TIME: 40 minutes

Article Source:

About the Author:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting presents
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With friends, in our own fun celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday gift you ever received and why?

Being a green deer in the green woods, I don’t get many presents. It is just not something that is done a lot out here in the wilderness. At christmas time, all of a sudden many people come out to our forest, usually very busy complaining that there is no snow (or too much snow) this year and why there are no reindeer to be seen and what's for food and, mainly, how hard it is to find appropriate presents for someone. I don’t know much about christmas (I’m just a simple animal), but I am sure it wasn’t ment to be all about buying things. In January they are all gone and it is peaceful again.
A great gift, every year.

What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday food/recipe? What is so special about it?
Food is a problem during the winter as the leaves are already gone and the ground is cold and, usually later than Christmas, often covered with snow and ice. So the question of a favourite christmas dish sounds a bit strange to me. Some animals may get along okay by eating other animals, but this is not exactly my style. So it is moss and lychens in the winter, and some trees have more or less edible bark. Personally, I prefer fresh leaves and berries, grass and herbs from a summer meadow and, you might have guessed so, chocolate chip cookies.
What is your favorite Christmas/holiday craft project?
I have a very ambitious project: This year my goal is to write an answer to a question that I can not really relate to and use at east 100 words for it. This, I hope, could make it turn into a little story that I imagine to start a life of it’s own, just as if I’d throw all those words into a big bottle and watch them move about, see them playing, organizing themselves, making sense and nonsense and maybe, after a while, trying to figure out why they are there and what it all means. This would be nice.
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie and why?
What is a Christmas/holiday movie? I am green and I know nothing of these things. Please ask me about things that I can tell you about, My neighbor animals and their little stories. Or what it is like to get up early on an autumn morning and annoy the whole lot by belling in the early morning mist until the forest echoes with the rustle of headache pill boxes being opened, a sound that would be music in my ears, weren’t they deafened already by my own sweet voice. Or the smell of the earth when it’s touched by sunshine.
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday memory?
One day two years ago, in mid december, I came around the corner on my bicycle. (I am a deer who is open to contemporary means of transportation, in case you wondered.) I was about to meet someone for the first time and I was very curious. The moment I made that bend around that corner it began to snow for the first time of the year. It almost seemed like the snow announced my arrival and I came to the meeting point covered with white flakes. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but that day I found love.

Want to know how we made this work? Check Out

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Great sales on all the stuff yu wanted all year
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/holiday craft project?
I have always enjoyed making spray painted and decorated pine cones. The hardest part is remembering to get the pine cones off the ground before the hungry squirrels get to eat them all! There is just something about playing with glue, glitter, spray paint, yarn, and little bits of paper that brings out the child in me. Plus the materials do not cost a lot of money, so if you mess one up you can pass it off as a "back of the tree" decoration and go make another one! You can even be lazy and just spray them all gold if you want quick decor.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Great sales on all the stuff yu wanted all year
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family, a traditional Christmas Celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie and why?
Elf starring Will Ferrell is easily my favorite Christmas movie, for years it was The Santa Clause with Tim Allen, but when Elf came out it blew that one away.

I still quote the movie even now and not only at Christmas time, take for instance the classic line, "I am a cotton-headed ninnymoggins!" I can't count the times I've said that, or reworded it and hurled it at my enemies.

Why is Elf the greatest holiday movie of all time, forever, and always? I submit to you to answer instead why it isn't, ha, I got you, you can't do it can you?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Christmas Memory

by Susan L. Marsh
Outside decorated tree & gifts letterhead
Add caption
From a young age I understood the concept that a lack of money meant a lack of presents and other goodies. One Christmas when I was young I knew that the year had been particularly tough. This Christmas even the tree was small and had come from a friends’ backyard. We had decorated it with lights and ornaments so it was still a good tree, and the “bad” section hid nicely against the wall, but it wasn’t the big fancy tree everyone else seemed to have.
Christmas Eve there were just a few presents under the tree, some of them were from me to my family and a couple were from friends. Most of them had the same wrapping paper on them since we all used the same roll. I remember going to bed thinking that there were barely enough to even cover the tree skirt, so I knew it was going to be slim pickings. I was not disappointed though-- I knew there had not been much money coming in.
Come morning I woke up and decided to sneak out and see what Santa had brought. It was still dark in the house (and outside!) and everyone else was sound asleep. I quietly opened the traitorous doorknob (I swear it squeaked only when I wanted it to be quiet) and padded out into the living room. When I came around the corner, I thought I was still sleeping!
Sad Christmas Tree ornamentThe tree was glowing brightly and piled underneath it were presents of all shapes and sizes! All different wrapping papers……all different types of boxes…and some had MY name on them! To my young eyes the tree lit up the whole room and the pile of presents looked like it was going to avalanche on top of me! I stood there with my mouth open just staring at the presents……wow! Instead of attempting to sneak into one of my presents, I ended up just sitting in front of the tree and staring at them until someone else woke up and we could start opening them.
As far as I can tell, friends and family pooled together and bought us a whole bunch of little presents that added up to a giant pile for a very happy kid. Can I remember what they were? Not really-I just remember being so happy that there were so many things with my name on them!
That’s one of my favorite memories. There’s nothing like waking up to a pile of presents when you did not expect them!
Susan and crew

susanszoocrew's Store at Zazzle

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family, a traditional Christmas Celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday memory?
Growing up in Hong Kong metropolis, one of the coolest thing to do during the Christmas season is to stroll along Tsim Sha Tsui and Victoria Harbor at night and see massive, elaborate, and sometimes flashing Christmas lights on skyscrapers. Use google image search on "hong kong christmas lights" or do a search on youtube and you will see some examples. Designs are different every year. My family would walk around, take pictures, and see other families and tourists doing the same. The atmosphere is festive and full of energy. Afterwards we would go for desserts or small plates at local eateries.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick and Easy Christmas Decorations

Quick and Easy Christmas Decorations
Microphone Small Stand Blue and Green Graphic bag(no skills required!)

For the fastest version, you will need:

Assorted pinecones
Spray paint in different colors
Yarn or string

To make:
Fast version-Take cleaned and dried pine cones and place them on a covered and ventilated work surface. Spray each pinecone with a different spray paint. Tie a piece of string or yarn in loop around the top of the pinecone when dried. Viola! Hang from tree when dried completely!
Fancier version-As above, but use glitter and sprinkle liberally into the spraypaint while still wait (you’ll have to work FAST). Shake the excess glitter off when dried. Gold and silver look great!
Cheating fancier version-Use spraypaint that already has glitter in it!
Time consuming version-As above, but add embellishments , using the white glue to hold them on. Stickers, pom poms, sequins, seashells, the possibilities are endless! Or forego the spraypaint and paint with acrylic colors. Follow with a clear coat of fixative (spray paint works as well as the artist types). Older kids especially love this version!

Besides hanging off the tree, you can hang these all around the house. If desired, you can also spritz with fragrance (cinnamon works well as a holiday scent) and display in a bowl on a counter or table. Quick and easy to do for all ages!
Please supervise children, and only spraypaint in a well ventilated area. Wear gloves if you don’t want paint on your hands.
Enjoy your holidays!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie and why?
The Wizard of Oz. That movie played on television every single single year when I was a kid. It became a part of Christmas. I loved how it went from black and white to those glorious, vibrant colors. One year, I think I was about 10 years old, I managed to talk my mom into buying me a pair of red shoes before Christmas and when the movie came on, I put on those "ruby slippers" and clicked my heels three times right along with Dorothy! They've stopped showing the movie so much now and Christmas won't ever be quite the same without it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday food/recipe? What is so special about it?

My mom used to make this chocolate pound cake and an orange pound cake every Christmas. I still make them some years. Usually I alternate between the two, but the chocolate has always been my favorite.
Chocolate Pound Cake
½ lb. margarine (or butter)
5 eggs
3 C. flour
½ C. cocoa
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 C. milk
1 Tbsp. vanilla
3 C. sugar
Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well. Sift together flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder. Add together alternately with milk. Stir in vanilla. Bake in a 325º oven for 1 ½ hours. Use greased and floured tube pan. You can use cocoa to dust the greased tube pan instead of flour for a chocolate cake.

Make Your Home The Central Of Attraction With Christmas Decorations

Author: AdrinaJones

The November is going to end and the first of December marks the beginning of Christmas celebration for many people. The whole world is eagerly waiting for the Christmas, as this is the indication that New Year is not far away, which will bring new hope and spirit in the life of people. The thought of Christmas reminds us of plum cake, the Christmas tree, Santa Clause, gifts and the Christmas decorations.

flower swirlies black spine binderThe markets are power-packed with all sorts of decorative items, both traditional as well as modern eye candy decorative pieces and you can use your creative talent to bring a drastic change in decorative style. Christmas decorations are all about colors, lights, bells and stars. The stars are hung to signify the birth of the Christ, are easily available in the market in different shapes and sizes.

Indoor Christmas decorations can be done based on various themes like Victorian street scene, Santa street scene to make the indoor decoration to look rich. You can decorate your home exterior through candy canes, starbusts, lighted Santa, snowman and many more; here the Fairy and Twinkle lights are the most popular choices for Christmas Decorations.

Those who love flowers can use them as Christmas decoration items. Roses and daisies are the most popular Christmas decorative items because flowers are believed to bring happiness and joy for the coming year. Beside flowers, lighting is one of the main aspects of Christmas decoration. Previously, candles were used to illuminate the tree, but now modern lights like LED, light strings and mini lights are used to make those attractive.

Spots & Squares Merry Christmas cardAnd above all, without which the Christmas celebration is not complete without the Christmas trees. The Christmas tree is available at different price range; you can choose the one which suits your budget most. Lights, garlands, stars, bells and angels are generally used for ornamentation. You may also hang different fruits on the branches. Snowflakes can be sprinkled on the Christmas tree to add a touch of reality.

People do whatever their imaginations demand but they don’t want to ignore the tradition as there is no hard and fast rule, yet the angels are put on the top of the Christmas tree and stars and bells hang on the branches.


Christmas Complete specialises in Dense Quality Christmas trees and High Quality LED Rope light Motifs, Silhouettes , LED Ropelights, Icicle Lights and Fairy Lights. We stock a wide range of Baubles, balls, tinsel, wreaths, garlands, decorations & more.

Article Source:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Great sales on all the stuff yu wanted all year
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday memory?
One of my favorite Christmas memories is the time I got a dollhouse furniture kit for a Christmas present. My dad had come over, and for some reason I had been told I had to wait for him before I could open that particular box. So, as soon as he showed up, I ripped off the wrapping! Turns out the little instructions of "Some Assembly Required" was the reason I had to wait for him... Seems I would be needing some help to put the kit together. As it turned out, twenty helpers couldn't get it together right but it was fun to try!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Bears

Christmas Bears

Tis a Tale of Two Bears, and a twinkling eye.

Of families, laughter, and a Jolly Old Guy.Christmas Teddy Bears Waiting for Santa Claus print

Of whispers and giggles, excitement and glee,

Children's sweet voices, and a lob-sided tree.

Hand made treasures, drooping from boughs

A tangled kitten, with plaintive meows.

Kitchen once ordered, now in disarray

Santa’s Cookies for this special day.

The bedrooms are quiet, the children asleep

Mother and father, just take a quick peek.

The day has been busy and mother and dad

Head for their beds, quite tired but glad.

The whole house is quiet, then a soft sound

As Santa arrives with a sack that is bound.

Teddy Bear Santa Claus keychainHe spies the fresh cookies and smiles to see,

The kitten has knocked one under the tree.

As he samples the goodies, so lovingly made

He unties the sack, the contents displayed

With a magical wave the gifts are all set

But Santa has something more special yet

Two Teddies to cuddle, and secrets confide

To treasure through years and find memories tied

To look back and treasure what really was dear

The family’s warm love, year after year.

By Jacqueline Edwards - Copyright 2004 -

Monday, November 7, 2011

Candy Canes shirtFun and Easy Christmas Crafts Ideas

Author: Mikesun

With our children out of school for the Christmas time we sometimes need something to fill their free time. Instead of going out and wasting money and gas on an activity, stay home and do a Christmas craft. This is great family time. You and your children will share many laughs and stories during craft time. Here are some great ideas for quick and easy Christmas themed crafts.

Candy Cane Cards

Making Christmas cards can be fun and will let your children express their creativity. If you have some candy canes in the house, try making candy cane cards. For this activity you will need individually wrapped candy canes, construction paper, glue, and whatever else your child may want to decorate the card with. Stickers, cotton, and markers are great things to add decorations to your cards. Encourage your child to make a clever Christmas greeting and to be creative. They can make cards for each other or other family members to give on Christmas day.

Christmas Tree Place Cards

Have your children make creative place setting for Christmas dinner. You will need green construction paper, markers, glue and scissors. As always if you have things like cotton to create snow or special acrylic or neon markers, these will make the place settings look even better. Fold the construction paper in half and draw the outline of a Christmas tree. Cut the outline so that there are two trees connected by their points. Fold the bottom portions of the tree under, about ½ an inch, so it will stand. Let your child write the family members names on the cards and decorate the Christmas tree place cards. At Christmas dinner, they will be proud to display their artwork to the family.

Blue Butterfly mousepadAn Elf Door

Create a little whimsy by having your child create an elf's entrance by the front door or their door. The story is that elves are helping more than ever to help Santa deliver large gifts. But elves hate to scurry down chimneys getting dusty and our regular human doorknobs are just too high. While you make the door, talk to your child about what they think elves lives are like.

You will need a sturdy cardboard to create the door, paint, a bottle cap and cork for the doorknob and other things to decorate the door. Cut the cardboard into a rectangle and paint the door. Attach the bottle cap to the door and glue the cork to the cap. Create a "Elves Only" sign to put up above the door. Use a reusable adhesive to attach the door to the wall. Let your child decorate the door with a Christmas theme. You can even use cotton and black construction paper to create a snow man.

Free Gift Crafts provide fun, creative and educational ideas for all ages. Here you can find all stuff of Little Kid Crafts, Party Crafts, Halloween Crafts and many more for your kids.

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About the Author:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Great sales on all the stuff yu wanted all year
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family, a traditional Christmas Celebration
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday gift you ever received and why?
My favorite gift was a game that one of my aunts gave to my brother and myself year ago, the Milton Bradley game called Risk. I remember playing the game endlessly, and I won practically every time. It truly is a game of strategy, luck of the draw, and chance. Who could forget looking at a map of the world that was colored differently? I even learned about the Kamchatka Peninsula, adding to my geographical knowledge. If a part of you is ever interested in feeling that you can achieve world domination, you'll enjoy playing the game of Risk with friends and family. Truly, a timeless game!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Celebrate Christmas

What is your favorite thing about the Holiday Season? *
Getting to see friends & family
How will you spend Christmas Day this year? *
With family & friends, the more the merrier
How many holiday cards do you send out each year on average? *
How many Holiday Parties will you attend this year? *
What is your zazzle Store URL *
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie and why?

I love all of the classic holiday movies so it is difficult to pick just one. Of course there's It's a Wonderful Life with its upbeat message of what really makes a life worth living, the love of friends and family. And how one person makes the difference for so many others even if they don't realize it.

Then there's Miracle on 34th Street. I love the part where Santa sings to the little girl in her native Dutch. And the scene at the end with Chris's cane in the corner gets me every time.

I also enjoy watching White Christmas. It is a fun movie with great music and a sentimental post WWII plot.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Mexico Christmas Cookies - A Recipe For Some Delicious Biscochitos!

Santa & Lights cardNew Mexico Christmas Cookies - A Recipe For Some Delicious Biscochitos!

Author: Benjamin Hedley

Biscochitos are the recognized state dessert of New Mexico. Offered typically at Christmas, at wedding ceremonies, and every other special event, biscochitos really are a type of shortbread. In contrast to conventional shortbread, nevertheless, this particular recipe could be a little difficult to make.

Eventually, you learn how to have a feel for that dough and it will get simpler. It's well worth the work to learn to make these types of scrumptious small snacks.

Biscochitos have a lengthy background that extends all the way to Spain. Referred to as Mantecosos across the Ocean (which means buttery in Spanish), these types of small snacks are occasionally known as Mexican Wedding snacks. Actually, the name of this scrumptious small dessert is responsible for quite a discussion.

In north New Mexico, they're referred to as biscochitos and biscochos in the southern part of New Mexico. If this dessert was made the official state dessert in 1989, their state legislature needed to debate on how to spell the actual title. The Senate lastly selected bizcochito, though you still see it with numerous spellings.

Recipe for Biscochitos

This particular wonderful small dessert is ideal with espresso, tea or perhaps a glass of wine.

Baker Girl apronWhat You Need

One pound of lard

One heaping cup white sugar

Three eggs

One tsp salt

Six teaspoons anise seed

Six cups white flour

Three tsp baking powder

1/8 cup lemon juice concentrate, partly thawed out

1/8 cup red wine

Four teaspoons cinnamon

3/4 cup powdered sugar

The Way You Make It

Mix the lard with a mixing machine set on medium-high. The lard ought to become smooth in consistency; this can take up to 10 minutes. Add sugars and combine well with lard, scraping the edges of the dish often.

Angel keychainAdd eggs individually, combining completely every time. Add sodium and mix. Include the next components in this order: flour, anise, baking powder. Continue to mix well. Include lemon juice concentrate and wine. Beat the mix before dough pulls away from the sides of the combining dish.

Dampen your fingertips and work surface. Move the dough in between two bits of plastic wrap. (Hint: It will help to gently flour the underside bit of plastic wrap.) Attempt to touch the dough as little as feasible as you form it right into a rectangular shape and pat it till it's even.

A marbled moving pin is most effective because of its excess weight and temperature for moving. You want the dough to become about half an inch thick. Reduce the dough in to groups. Drop every quarter into cinnamon sugars and hang lightly on a greased dessert sheet.

Using a little, razor-sharp blade, cut every quarter into strips about 1 inch wide. Flip the holder and cut in the other way so you end up getting small pieces. Make 4 small slashes toward the middle of each bit. Making use of your thumb and forefinger, raise the sides towards the middle, creating a rosette.

Bake the snacks about thirteen minutes or even before edges are browned. Your time can vary depending on the heat of the oven. The completed snacks ought to be crisp.

92% of the common and average people will leave this page without taking advantage of the awesome offer below.

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Article Source:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holly's Magical Snowflake

© 2005 Angela Flemming

santa mad at rudolph shirtHolly was always a happy girl, but she was happiest at Christmas. She loved the Christmas tree and the lights and the presents. She loved the snow if there was any snow. She thought snowflakes were as beautiful as stars. She always looked forward to Christmas. She also believed in Santa Claus, but she thought he lived in Heaven instead of in Antarctica or wherever people say he lives. She thought his elves were angels. I think so too.

At school the teachers got mad at her and the kids made fun of her because she drew candy canes and presents and holly and loads of snowflakes in her study books and in her notebooks. But she was good because she still learnt all her lessons. In fact she was the smartest girl in her class.

Her best friend didn't make fun of her, of course. But her best friend was a year older and so she was in a different grade. But Holly and her best friend Rosie played when it was time to play, and they always walked home together.

One Spring day they were walking home, and Holly looked kind of sad. She wasn't usually sad. "Why are you sad?" her best friend asked.

Silly face tree shirtHolly pointed to the trees. They looked very cloudy and beautiful with pale pink blossoms. "I wish snowflakes grew on those trees", she sighed.

"Don't be silly! Snowflakes don't grow on trees."

"I know! They grow on clouds, and in Winter the clouds scatter them on Earth," said Holly. Then she added: "I wish it were Christmas."

Rosie giggled. "Christmas would be very boring if it were Christmas all the time," she said.

"No, it wouldn't", Holly replied sadly.

Rosie was a bit worried. Why couldn't Holly be HAPPY on a beautiful Spring day, with birdies singing and fluffy white clouds floating in the sky and beautiful flowers blanketing the trees? But she said nothing else about it. Instead she asked: "Wanna come to my house for dinner?"

"Yes!" Holly cried excitedly, "if Mummy lets me." Rosie's house was a very fun place because Rosie's parents were rich; so they had a staircase, and antique furniture, and lots of nice books, and pretty things, and lovely Christmas decorations stored in the closet. She ran towards her house to ask Mummy. Rosie waited outside, and she felt happy because Holly had smiled.

dancing rudolph necklaceMummy said Holly could go. So Holly had a yummy dinner with her friend Rosie and then they played. When they were tired of playing, they went inside to read books and draw pictures.

Rosie drew a Faerie with beautiful butterfly wings. Holly drew a Snowflake. But it looked like just a PIECE of a snowflake and in fact Rosie didn't even know it WAS a snowflake. "What's that?" she asked.

"Wait. I'm going to cut it out."

By and by she did cut it out, and on the table lay a beautiful, lacy snowflake. Rosie picked it up. "That's beautiful, Holly," she said. "How did you make it?"

But Holly only remarked dreamily, "I wonder if you can wish upon a snowflake..."

"You can't even wish upon a STAR."

"Not if you think like that! You have to love the stars, and know that inside every one there is a beautiful angel."

And suddenly she wished upon her snowflake. It began to sparkle and glow and it was really made of snow. Holly whispered,

"Snowflake, Snowflake, wherever I go,
Please make it Christmas, with lots of snow!"

The snowflake grew bigger and Bigger and BIGGER. Soon it was as big as a rug and Holly jumped on top of it. Rosie didn't even notice because the room got so cold suddenly that she went to fetch her sweater.

Wreather decorated with pinecones & bow ornamentThe Snowflake began to rise. It flew out of a window, even though the window was closed. And then it flew up into the sky and it flew and flew until it was Night and then it stopped and descended to...some kind of planet, Holly knew.

But what a lovely planet!!! The whole ground as far as she could see was thickly coated with fluffy sparkly snow. All the houses were made of gingerbread. Reindeer grazed in the snow. Pretty old-fashioned street lamps lit the way, and in their golden light danced hundreds of beautiful snowflakes. In every front yard there was a smiling snowman, and bluish green pine trees strung with coloured lights twinkled and flashed. And all the paths leading to all the gingerbread houses were decorated with real poinsettias.

Holly got off the snowflake and began to dance and jump in the snow, kicking it up so that more sparkly snowflakes flew up into the air and danced with her. She was having so much fun. Then she walked up to one of the houses and began to nibble on it. It tasted really yummy and as soon as she had taken a bite out, the hole filled up all by itself. So she didn't ruin anyone's house.

Everybody on the whole planet must have been at home because she didn't see anyone. She was too shy to knock at anyone's door, so she began to walk, to explore. She found a forest and she wandered into it. All the trees were hung with icicles, snowflakes and coloured lights. Maybe Faeries put them there. Holly was so enchanted that she thought she was in Heaven.

Santa ho ho ho merry christmas postcardSuddenly she saw a blue light, and she ran towards it, because it was very beautiful. When she got closer she saw that the light came from a beautiful Winter Faerie with snowflake covered wings, who was sitting on a rock and wrapping some Christmas presents. "For you," whispered the Faerie sweetly, as soon as she saw Holly.

"For me? But you don't know me," Holly said shyly.

"I do," replied the Faerie, without explaining, and Holly was too shy to ask.

"What is your biggest wish?" asked the Faerie. And without thinking carefully, Holly replied: "I want to be a Christmas Girl."

The Faerie was silent then. When she had finished wrapping all the presents, she told Holly to open them. There was really a heap of them, all for Holly. Holly thought that there were too many presents just for her.

"I wish my best friend were here," she said sadly. "I wish my family were here."

"Just open the presents," commanded the beautiful Faerie.

So Holly did. There were beautiful clothes, and pretty bows and clips for her hair..., and dolls, and plush animals, and picture books, and cookies, and candies, and a beautiful trunk to store all those things in. Holly felt rich and delighted and somehow sad all at once. She wanted to look at her beautiful books, but she wanted to do that at home. "How shall I get home?" she asked the Faerie.

"You can't go home," replied the Faerie. "That’s because you're on the Planet of Christmas, and here it's Christmas all year, and you can play or read all the day, and never go to school, and eat nothing but treats, and have presents every day. But you can go to your home here. There's a beautiful Gingerbread House that was built just for you, and it's fit for a Princess inside. Follow me."

"I don't wanna! I wanna go home! What about my snowflake? Can't I wish upon my snowflake to go home?" Holly cried, feeling so panicky that she forgot her shyness.

"There's only one way you can do that," the Faerie answered. "You must tell me what your favourite gift is. Think before you answer me. Think hard."

The girl looked at each of her beautiful dolls and each of her pretty plushies. She admired her beautiful clothes and books. She thought and thought because she couldn't decide. Then she looked up at the stars in the sky.

Holiday Tree stamp"My parents and my friends are my favourite gifts," she said at last.

"If you want to go home, you must forfeit your dolls and books and all the other nice things."

"I don't care. It's just stuff!" cried Holly passionately.

The Faerie smiled. In her hands appeared a wreath of holly with pretty red berries on it. She placed it on Holly's head, saying, "Your wish is granted. You understood what your true gifts are. You are a Christmas Girl."

And Holly suddenly found herself in her own bed, with her paper snowflake in her hand, and Mummy was kissing her forehead.

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